
ATEC's 'Tourism Trade Ready' program is a self-directed eLearning course, flexible training designed to suit busy tourism businesses.

Program Objectives

  • Develop knowledge of Australia’s tourism marketplace, its value, the opportunities, and potential challenges to safeguard your business for the future

  • Identify & understand potential customer bases, gain insights to tailor your product or experience to service and attract future travellers

  • The training will provide you with the most extensive information on understanding the travel distribution system and how to work effectively with various trade partners

  • Pricing for profit, understanding requirements for agent rate agreements and contracting for travel distribution 

  • Learn how to develop your unique value proposition, and master your pitch to different audiences

  • Explore how to engage with trade and maximise your B2B sales efforts 

Who is the program intended for? 

  • The training program is for both new entrants to market, and existing tourism operators looking to refresh and upskill.

Program overview

Online learning modules:

  1.  Introduction to the Tourism Trade Ready program
  2. The Australian tourism marketplace 
  3. Attracting travellers to your business 
  4. Getting distribution ready
  5. Rates and contracting 
  6. Delivering experiences for future travellers 
  7. Mastering your pitch and closing the deal
  8.  Maximising your tourism trade sales efforts


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Add this credential to your website, email signature and social media to show your readiness to work in the international market


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Learners have access to a complete knowledge hub

  • Developed by Industry for Industry

    The learning content is complemented by experienced industry members sharing their experiences and advice through case studies, videos and quotes.

  • Tools & Resources

    Industry specific templates for all your business planning purposes.

  • The Australian Tourism Toolkit

    Your supplementary handbook to the Australian inbound industry. Download and keep on hand as you continue on your trade readiness journey.

  • Digital Badging

    Receive instant recognition, upon completion of the training. Graduates receive ATEC's Tourism Trade Ready badge.

  • Advisory Group

    Experts in Tourism have contributed to the development of the program, including representatives from Tourism Australia and State Tourism Organisations.

  • Community & Support

    Comment and ask questions on the discussions board, share insights and experiences on the community page. Expert mentoring available at an additional cost.

Pricing options

ATEC members receive up to 4x Tourism Trade Ready programs free of charge per financial year. (2 - Associate, 3 - Significant, 4 - Major). Groups with additional locations, please email your Regional Manager to confirm. Member coupon codes can be found on the ATEC website.


Hear what our attendees had to say...

“ATEC's 'Tourism Trade Ready' training program is perfect for induction. It makes the whole process easier, knowing they are learning Tourism 101 from the best training providers in international tourism.”

Ben Woodward, The CaPTA Group

“We really found the Rates and Contracting module and the Pitch and Closing modules really helpful. It was pleasing to see that we have already implemented many of the "must do's" when it comes to trade. Having said that, there are plenty of areas where we can improve these steps and the program really assisted us here.”

Simon Meares, Coonawarra Experiences

“I gained knowledge & inspiration from all learning modules.”

Larelle Fitt, Curlewis Golf Club


Introduction to the Tourism Trade Ready program 

How many active registrations you can have is determined by your membership category, Extra Location /Provisional - 1, Associate – 2, Significant – 3 and Major – 4. For further information, please contact the account owner at your organisation or your ATEC regional manager.

  • I’m an ATEC member, how many registrations is my organisation entitled to?

    How many active registrations you can have is determined by your membership category, Extra Location /Provisional - 1, Associate – 2, Significant – 3 and Major -4. For further information, please contact the account owner at your organisation or your ATEC regional manager.

  • I’m an ATEC member, where do I find my exclusive coupon code?

    ATEC Members have received this via direct email, if not received or unsure of membership status, please email: [email protected]

  • I’m unsure if I’m an ATEC member, what do I do?

    Please do not register as an ATEC member if you are unsure, this could result in you being charged for the full cost of the program. Instead, email [email protected] to check

  • Does my progress automatically save?

    Yes, each time you login your progress is automatically saved, returning you to the same spot you last visited

  • How do I graduate and receive my digital badge?

    For this course graduates are entitled to two digital badges - International Ready and Tourism Trade Ready. To receive the International Ready badge, you must have completed Module 1-8, including test your knowledge questions. To receive the Tourism Trade Ready badge, you must have completed as above and Module 9.

  • Is ATEC’s E-learning compatible with mobile devices?

    Yes, the website platform performs very well with any mobile device. The site has a responsive design so you can view fonts, menus, images and videos clearly.

This program is proudly brought to you by

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